An update on HIWE project’s results, spring 2024
HIWE in brief High-skilled internationals: bottom-up insights into policy innovation for work and entrepreneurship in Finland (HIWE) is a two-year Business Finland funded research project implemented by the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Turku between 2022 and 2024. In the project, we listen to internationals’ experiences of Finland. We look at how […]
Towards inclusive workplaces
Are Finnish companies and other work organisations ready to welcome international workforce? This is a major question to consider when talking about recruitment of highly skilled internationals. It is not only about how internationals can develop their employability, but also about organisations and their ability to employ international talent. Why focus on inclusion? We suggest […]
“Together we are more”
After tackling with recruitment practices in our first co-creation process, we invited multiple stakeholders, including service providers, international talents, companies and researchers, to think about how to optimise the existing services, create impactful solutions and ensure that the voice of internationals is heard when developing the solutions. The proposed solutions aim to address the challenges […]