
Conference presentations

Parkkari, P., Elkina, A. & Aaltonen, S. (2024). Exploring practices of co-creation involving and related to highly skilled internationals. Nordic Academy of Management (NFF), 15.-17.8.2024, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Aaltonen, S., Pukkinen, T. & Hytti, U. (2024). “I never chose Finland” – The lived experiences of international talent in the Finnish ICT sector. Academy of Management (NFF), 15.-17.8.2024, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Elkina, A. & Hytti, U. (2024). Practices of belonging and non-belonging of internationals at work and in everyday life. Sociological Conference, 21.-22.3.2024, Kuopio, Finland.

Hytti, U. & Elkina, A. (2023). Belonging and non-belonging in the stories of highly skilled migrants in Finland. Organizing Migration and Integration in Contemporary Societies Conference, 22.-24.11.2023, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Hytti, U., Aaltonen, S. & Pukkinen, T. (2023). Exposing the dark and bright sides: Role of start-ups in labour market integration of high-skilled internationals. RENT Conference 2023, 15.-17.11. 2023, Gdansk, Poland.

Aaltonen, S., Hytti, U. & Pukkinen, T. (2023). Exposing the dark and bright sides: Role of start-ups in labour market integration of high-skilled internationals. ISBE Conference 2023, 8.-10.11.2023, Birmingham, UK.

Aaltonen, S., Hytti, U. & Pukkinen, T. (2023). Start-ups – a route to integration for high-skilled internationals? FSPA Annual Conference, 10.-12.5.2023, Jyväskylä.

Rättilä, T. Parkkari, P., Pulkkinen, T. & Montonen, T. (2023). Highly skilled internationals’ experiences of belonging to Finnish society. FSPA Annual Conference, 10.-12.5.2023, Jyväskylä.

Rättilä, T. Parkkari, P., Pulkkinen, T. & Montonen, T. (2023). Kansainvälisten osaajien käsityksiä suomalaisen työelämän kehittämisestä. Sosiologipäivät 23.-24.3.2023, Tampere.


Co-organisation of a working group at the Sociological Conference, 21.-22.3.2024, Kuopio, Finland: The dynamics of belonging in a fracturing society.

Organisation of a working group at the FSPA Annual Conference, 10.-12.5.2023, Jyväskylä: Narrative approaches to the politics of migration(s).

HIWE in the media

UEF 18.9.2024: Finland attracts international talent, but struggles to retain it

Career in Southwest Finland 27.9.2023: Research project explores the local experiences and ecosystems of international talents 

UEF 5.6.2023: Successful career paths but also exclusion and discrimination – International talents’ stories about Finland

Mercurius-sidosryhmälehti 12.12.2022: Kilpailu kansainvälisistä huippuosaajista vaatii tiivistä yhteistyötä

UEF 21.9.2022: Highly skilled international talent has an impact on innovation, but will they stay in Finland?